So, I created this account/blog about a year ago with the intention of writing posts about myself, and what I'm up to, and talk a lot about the "yolk" parts of my life. The yolk being the rich parts, the parts that we all live for; an afternoon BBQ with unlimited friends/meat/beer, a four hour mountain bike ride without a crash, a concert/movie/play so epic that you couldn't stop talking about it for days after. But then, I never wrote anything. I guess I just didn't think people would care about the awesome times that I had (and I definitely had a lot of them). I wanted to write about them, so that I would remember every detail, but I just wasn't narcissistic enough to share.
'Why are you posting anything now?' You may ask (assuming you're actually reading this). Well, I've had a little bit of a brainstorm recently. I've been in need of a new outlet for the tiny ember of creativity that I like to think smolders at the back of my head. Making stationery as graduation gifts and anniversary cards for my parents was nice, but I need something a little bigger.
I was riding my bike to work the other day, as I do every day, and I realized that I come across some interesting things on my commute, and on bike rides in general. I'm not trying to say that I have any more of a spectacular experience than any other of the thousands of folks that commute to work every day, or ride recreationally; but I do have a lot of varied experiences on the bike. So the project that I came up with is to share those experiences first hand, both to people that ride all the time, and to the "ride-curious." I'm going to document my commute, and the bike rides I take, through a helmet mounted camera. After a year of ride footage, I'll edit everything down to a hopefully digestible, entertaining hour or so and unleash it on the world.
The goals of the film are multifaceted. On the surface I want it to be an exciting, visually dazzling, thrill, like the POV reels you might find on
Pinkbike . But more than that, I want it to be enlightening for folks that ride, and those that don't. I want drivers to see what cyclists go through every day in their fight with traffic. I want pedestrians to see where we are coming from when we yell from the bike lane. I want other cyclists to see what buttholes we are when we run a red light or go the wrong way on a one way street (which I won't deny being guilty of). But mostly, I want people to see what they can experience on a bike, and hopefully inspire at least a few people to spend a little more time in the saddle.
Cycling in New York has grown by nearly a third in both of the last two years according to the
DOT, and cyclists in the city aren't going away. The more understanding that can be fostered between cyclists and drivers in the city, and even the rest of the country, the easier time we'll all have. And the more people we can get on bikes, maybe the more people we can get to see the "yolk" in every day.