Tuesday, September 28, 2010


So, I've been working on a short intro video for the Kickstarter page and let me tell you, making videos is hard. Even the little 1-2 minute jam to introduce the film that I want to make is taking me all night. I knew this project was going to be a lot of work, but now I'm starting to realize just how much. Regardless, I'm still really excited for it, and super excited to get the Kickstarter page live so that I can get this ball rolling.

I wanted to take a quick little break from the video and update all of you faithful followers (I think we're up to a solid 7 now) on the progress. Here's a short little clip of what you can expect:

Ok, actually that wasn't the one I wanted to show you, that was just me checking the lighting and making sure I looked ok (special thanks to Stu from Tazzors for the epic soundtrack suggestion). Here's the actual clip:

I know it isn't much, but it's tough aiming your cell phone camera and riding. That's a pretty clear example of why I need money for a helmet cam. I'm trying to finish the video up tonight, so look for the project to launch tomorrow.

In unrelated news, my younger brother just launched a skateboard company over in Boston with a couple of his friends. Give AllBright Skateboards a look and maybe even order one of their boards. They're pretty badass.


  1. which software do you use for your editing?

  2. Right now just iMovie, but I'm going to get Final Cut for the actual project. Unless you have any better suggestions.
